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Land rights for women and vulnerable communities The oil and gas sector in Uganda is at a critical stage. The infrastructures include well pads, flow lines, crude oil pipelines, central … Continue reading Land rights for women and vulnerable communities
Climate change mitigation and adaptation Uganda is among African countries affected by current climate change impacts which include rising temperatures, pest and disease incidents, water shortages, extreme weather events, and … Continue reading Climate Justice
Sustanable developments Uganda being a developing and agriculture country, where its majority population depends on natural resources for their livelihoods, it is very important for the local communities to understand … Continue reading Sustainable developments
Agriculture and food security The emerging phenomenon of climate change has been recognized as a major threat to agriculture. The climate change consequences that affect agriculture include rising temperatures, pest … Continue reading Agriculture and food security
Environmental conservation It is the primary role and responsibility of the communities to protect the natural government and ecosystems where they drive their livelihoods. The main objectives for the communities to … Continue reading Environmental conservation
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